Hello, my Friends!
I’ve got some VERY exciting news to share!
I have signed a contract to cruise on the Mississippi River aboard the American Queen Steamboat!
If you aren’t familiar, it is a stunningly gorgeous ship – the largest steamboat in the world, with a capacity for 436 overnight passengers! I’ll be an onboard presenter – sharing the adventures of our little raindrop with river-loving guests from all over the world.
I’ll be traveling with her from July 23 – 29 on the gorgeous piece of river between Dubuque, Iowa and St. Paul, Minnesota, and again on the return trip, presenting the Multimedia Slide Show and signing copies of “Roadtrip with a Raindrop: 90 Days Along the Mississippi River.”
Wanna come?? There will be incredible food, great shore excursions (they have buses and bikes at every port) a boatload of new friends and an opportunity to experience America’s greatest river in a very unique and special way! I just announced this on www.facebook.com/GayleHarper.MississippiRiver as well and it’s generating lots of excitement, comments and thoughts about coming along!
Check it out! It would be SO wonderful to have YOU there!
Xoxoxo, Gayle
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