Happy Holidays, my dear friends!
I remember well the moment I took this photo. I was bundled in boots, hat, gloves and multiple layers of jackets and I was FREEZING! I watched this great blue heron walking on the snow on those spindly little legs, wading in the frigid water and fishing, seemingly not the least bit uncomfortable. What a miracle, I thought! How does he do that?
Take some time this holiday season to appreciate the little miracles that are around you at all times. Whether your holidays are filled with fun and loved ones, or whether it might be a difficult time in some way, there are miracles waiting to be noticed. When we put our attention on them, a door opens to reveal the quiet Joy that never changes, but is always there in the midst of every experience, whether happy or sad. It is a silent, unchanging, causeless Joy that is present always, just below the surface of whatever is happening, waiting for us to notice.
My holiday wish for you is that countless tiny miracles touch your heart and make it sing!
Love, Gayle
Merry Christmas! I hope you and Mike receive many blessings during this special time of the year! Thank you for blessing us with your amazing book.
Thank you, Marilyn & the very same to you!!!
Merry Christmas, Gayle ! What an awesome year for you. Well deserved!!
Thank you, Sandy! Merry Christmas to you!
Wishing you and Mike a very happy Christmas and many blessings in 2016. Tom and I so enjoyed your company in October. Love your book and your wonderful way with words! That is a true gift.
Thank you so much, Jean! Mike and I loved staying with you in Prairie du Chien! All the best to you and Tom in 2016!
Thanks for the lovely photo and thought. We gave your “Hello” to the river and think of you and your book each time we cross into the city. (Casey lives on the west bank).
We’ll be in touch after the first of the year, and would love to get together sooner rather than later. PEACE to you and Mike.
Magnificent photo and lovely relevant sentiment, as always. Namaste, Ann