Hi Friends!
I am SO excited to share this with you! Some of you have been traveling alongside me since the very start of this journey. And NOW, she is here!
Roadtrip with a Raindrop is now available on the brand spankin’ new website! Check it out! www.gayleharper.com
See you there! Gayle
Ron says
February 21, 2015 at 3:48 pmHave just finished your book and can much relate to parts of it. Very original, very creative & very interesting to read. Terry L passed on a copy and I’m glad he did. I’ve also shared your website with two discerning friends. Have long before your book been
impressed with the very same original growth trees that you photographed in Itasca.
Back in about 1964 I stopped to pet a fawn on that very road and he rose up on back legs trying to paw my face.(Never again)
Also can recall old clam shells from button factory with holes punched in them that a lady showed me after mowing her lawn in central Iowa. Then; at the very end ,when I saw the infinity sign – wow! You see I used the same symbol once with a crucifix in center with dots on one of the arcs for different aged family members. (A square for a church member quilt). Have thought that no one would get it; but,am confident you would.
Just wanted to again say what a unique and well conceived book your project evolved into.
Gayle Harper says
February 27, 2015 at 6:09 pmThanks for writing! I love hearing how Roadtrip brings up memories for people – and how the river never really leaves us!