A couple of times in recent days, I have had a feeling that I remember having when someone dear to me passed away. There was a sensation of seeing life around me go on merrily – people laughing, a gorgeous sunset, lighthearted music playing. I remember looking around, stunned – how could it all still be happening like this when I feel like the world has just been flattened, smashed.
Yesterday, my husband and I walked in the sunshine, breathing deeply. My eyes wanted to grow wider so I could take in a whole grove of trees filled with blossoms. I wished I could angle my ears like a cat to catch every note of the songbirds celebrating spring. I was filled with awe at the marvels of Nature.
In the next instant, I passed a woman with her arms tightly wrapped around herself and eyes dark with fear and sadness. And there was that feeling…the awareness of the profound contrast between the joyful, abundant beauty of the natural world and the massive anxiety and pain being experienced by humanity.
For a second, it was disorienting. Then, I was flooded, saturated with gratitude. It is spring. If the signs aren’t yet obvious where you live, they will be soon. Life for us as humans is always on a pendulum that swings between joy and sadness, pleasure and pain. Regardless of where our current experience falls on that continuum, the essence of all life is Love, Beauty and Creativity.
When a giant redwood tree falls, or even when it is cut to a stump by loggers, a circle of new baby trees, clones of the original, will often grow up around the stump. This is called a Fairy Ring, or sometimes a Family Circle. The ancient “mother tree” likely lived many centuries, growing steadily and peacefully through wars, famines and pandemics. Left alone, these new trees will do the same. Life continues to renew itself.
Let Nature be a source of hope, peace and comfort to you now. Take a walk in the trees if you possibly can. It is safe and healthy there. Science has proven what we have always known intuitively – forests, even small strips of urban forests, promote health and well-being. If that’s not possible, do what you can to be near living, growing things. We need to feel connected with each other now – most of us seem to be recognizing that. What may not be as obvious is that we need – profoundly need – to know we are a part of the natural world. We need to feel our place in the irrepressible cycle of Life that goes on, unstoppable, through any and all experiences.
And please, if you are so moved, share your thoughts and experiences here. We would all love to hear them.
Kim says
March 23, 2020 at 8:57 pmThank you for this Gayle. I’m drawn to being outdoors too. Yesterday, I walked in the chilly misty rain with one of my favorite aunts while listening to the birds singing. It was sweet. Love hearing from you. Thanks for taking the time to share beauty with all of us.
Gayle Harper says
March 23, 2020 at 9:14 pmI actually love being outdoors in that kind of weather. It somehow feels very intimate with Nature. Thanks so much for writing and sharing your experience.
Millie Carter says
March 23, 2020 at 11:10 pmHi Gayle
So happy to see your post and thought of you often since stopping by to purchase my book.
Today I sat in my car watching the last rays of the evening and the beauty and silence of the Cumberland River and Old Hickory Lake was amazing. One word would be “Peaceful”
Millie Carter
Gayle Harper says
March 24, 2020 at 7:46 amHello Millie!
Thanks for sharing that. And great to remind people that even from your car the peace of the natural world is available. A natural relaxer that’s free and has no side effects! 😊
Dottie says
March 24, 2020 at 9:08 amBeautiful thoughts and words. Thanks, Gayle for taking us there!
Gayle Harper says
March 24, 2020 at 9:40 amThank you Dottie. I realize there are lots of ways to travel.
Kaye says
March 24, 2020 at 12:38 pmWhat a wonderful reminder of all that we should be grateful for! The calming effect of Mother Nature is profound. Thank you for your inspiring words!
Gayle Harper says
March 24, 2020 at 12:51 pmThank you, Kaye. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I’m listening to the birds strike up a chorus right now after a thunderstorm moved through this morning. Makes my heart smile!
Kay L Myers says
March 27, 2020 at 7:44 amThanks for the beautiful reminder and even while doing the small task of picking up fallen tree limbs in the yard yesterday I noticed and enjoyed all the little flowers in the grass and the promises of spring. There are many wonderful places in and near Springfield to hike and/or you don’t have to go further than your yard!
Gayle Harper says
March 27, 2020 at 7:46 amThank you Kay! You are so right. At this moment, just before first light, the birdsong pouring in my window is incredible.
Leslie Carrier says
April 4, 2020 at 1:37 pmWIth all the stories about the virus and staying home, it’s so nice to read something soothing and refreshing! One positive of this is many people are connecting with nature in a way they haven’t done in a long time, so your words very much ring true right now. I love the Fairy Circle concept….we are all living a Fairy Circle right now as we surround and support each other as best we can. Thankfully Spring is showing us her colors and the energy to keep on bloomin’!
Gayle Harper says
April 4, 2020 at 1:40 pmThank you, Leslie! Nothing is ever really single-sided, is it? There are gifts from this as well as much pain. And you are so right – Love will see us through this.